Latest Technology News About Eye Directive Wheelchair
Eye directive wheelchair is an invention of latest technology news of this era. This technology shows us that how can enjoy the disabled people now their lives. This technology has made the life of disabled people so easy that they can walk on the wheelchair wherever they want to go. Eye directive wheelchair is based on three stages one is image processing second is image detection and the third stage is control of signals of a wheelchair. Eye directive wheelchair is an automatic control system there is a motor in this wheel who helps us to move back or forward.
The invention of the wheelchair:
The wheelchair has come into existence in the 5th century. In the early age of life, the wheelchair was simple or it is like sticks people use them by taking them in their armpit and walk. Then with the passage of time, it became rare so science has them modern and make change bring some new features.
Then it becomes wheelchairs like a cycle and seat and handles on the front right or left side parallel people use them like a paddle and move where they want. And now technology launches a new eye directive wheelchair who is much better than others. You can always find the latest technology news on this blog.
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Types of wheelchairs:
As we mentioned in the last paragraph that science has made new types of wheelchairs in the past it was just sticks but them time move us with new brain opinions so we made wheelchair and then its turn into electric power rapidly it moves on remote control and then new eye directive wheelchair which can read the mind of people and their eye images.
It brings entertainment for parallels human beings. They can watch movies on their tab or mobile which fix on the front of the wheel. So this article provides the latest technology news for everyone.
Feature of the wheelchair:
The purpose of this new invention is to make a new wheelchair that will be measured by the eyes of the person who sits in the wheelchair. The feature of the wheelchair allows the disable people to full use of their limbs and freedom to move their body parts its like also exercise of the for them which keeps them healthy and fresh. So, they feel comfortable by using its feature and took advantage in their spare time.
This wheelchair will contain three parts. The eye tracking system of a camera that captures the image of the eye lens. A webcam is fixed on to sight to capture the image. The camera is located so as the capture the program of the one eye permitting the pure image to the other eye when the camera takes the images of an eye it sends to the laptop where the images have out to screen by mind reading.
The illuminator of the eye creates a pattern so it gives to the camera high-resolution image. Camera work on the gaze point of the person who uses it. Now you are reading the best latest technology news.
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Benefits of the wheelchairs:
A wheelchair is used for people who have injury or pain somewhere in the part of the body so they cannot walk or move. People who have difficulty in sitting or whom people who cannot attend their responsibility for daily work. Parallel people or whom doctors advise that you have to use a wheelchair because of treatment.
These people can take advantage of clearly by using them. There are mostly 15% of the population in the world is disabled. So, wheelchairs make their lives important to them they can walk and talk they entertain by these types of gadgets. Because these wheelchairs did not make them feel that they are people of the burden on others or inferior to others but they are also having a right to enjoy and get happiness.
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